Horse with a Pointy Hat

Musings of a data scientist and recovering astrophysicist

Neo4j Graph Hack 2016: Where to avoid cycling accidents

It's a little late but it's taken me a while to finally get this blog up and running; Now that it is live I'm catching up publishing interesting projects from the past. I've been intrigued by graph databases since I discovered them and curious about what they are capable of (another example can be seen in this blog post). So having won a ticket to the Graph Connect Europe 2016 conference I thought I'd take advantage of attending the graph hack hosted by Neo Technologies the night before. I also invited a friend, Amy, along. Together we formed Crash Dodgers (follow the link to get the actual Python notebook) and decided to see if we could find the most dangerous spots to hire bicycles in London, in the 2-3 hours we had available to us!

tldr: We won the "best app" award

Graph hack 2016 @ GraphConnect Europe

Using Neo4j with transport data

Team: Crash Dodgers: Adam Hill & Amy McQuillan

Concept: Combine Santander Bike data with cyclist accident data to find dangerous places to hire bikes in London

First up lets find all the Santander bike stations in London:

  • Cycle hire updates with all stations are available from the TfL API here: link
  • To make my life easier used to convert to JSON and save the file locally
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
stations = json.load(open('./GraphHackData/bikeStation.json', 'r'))
stationsDF = pd.DataFrame(stations['stations']['station'])
id installDate installed lat locked long name nbBikes nbDocks nbEmptyDocks removalDate temporary terminalName
754 794 1456404240000 true 51.474567 false -0.12458 Lansdowne Way Bus Garage, Stockwell 15 28 13 false 300204
755 795 1456744740000 true 51.527566 false -0.13484927 Melton Street, Euston 5 28 23 false 300203
756 800 1457107140000 true 51.4811219398 false -0.149035374873 Sopwith Way, Battersea Park 23 30 7 false 300248
757 801 true 51.5052241745 false -0.0980318118664 Lavington Street, Bankside 26 29 3 false 300208
758 804 true 51.5346677396 false -0.125078652873 Good's Way, King's Cross 17 27 10 false 300243

Let's store these stations as the first nodes of our graph

from py2neo import Graph
from py2neo import Node, Relationship
graph = Graph("http://neo4j:password@localhost:7474/db/data")
#Loop over all bike stations and store their details in Neo4j
for r, data in stationsDF.iterrows():
    tempNode = Node("Bike_station", a_Id =['id']))
    tempNode['latitude'] = np.float(
    tempNode['longitude'] = np.float(data.long)
    tempNode['name'] = data['name']
    tempNode['installDate'] = data.installDate
    tempNode['num_docks'] =

Traffic accidents in the UK

We look at data from 2014 regarding traffic accidents across the UK from here . We used the following files:

  • 2014 Road Safety - Accidents 2014
  • 2014 Road Safety - Vehicles 2014
  • 2014 Road Safety - Casualties 2014
  • Lookup up tables for variables

Local copies were downloaded and stored in ./GraphHackData

accidents = pd.read_csv('./GraphHackData/DfTRoadSafety_Accidents_2014.csv')
vehicles = pd.read_csv('./GraphHackData/DfTRoadSafety_Vehicles_2014.csv')
casualties = pd.read_csv('./GraphHackData/DfTRoadSafety_Casualties_2014.csv')

Some strange characters are in some of the column names so let's strip them out and then then merge accidents and casualties on Accident_Index

accidents = accidents.rename(columns={'Accident_Index': 'Accidents_Index'})
vehicles = vehicles.rename(columns={'Accident_Index': 'Accidents_Index'})
casualties = casualties.rename(columns={'Accident_Index': 'Accidents_Index'})
accidentsDF = pd.merge(accidents, casualties, on='Accidents_Index')
Accidents_Index Location_Easting_OSGR Location_Northing_OSGR Longitude Latitude Police_Force Accident_Severity Number_of_Vehicles Number_of_Casualties Date ... Age_of_Casualty Age_Band_of_Casualty Casualty_Severity Pedestrian_Location Pedestrian_Movement Car_Passenger Bus_or_Coach_Passenger Pedestrian_Road_Maintenance_Worker Casualty_Type Casualty_Home_Area_Type
0 201401BS70001 524600 179020 -0.206443 51.496345 1 3 2 1 09/01/2014 ... 49 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 8 1
1 201401BS70002 525780 178290 -0.189713 51.489523 1 3 2 1 20/01/2014 ... 27 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1
2 201401BS70003 526880 178430 -0.173827 51.490536 1 3 2 1 21/01/2014 ... 27 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 1
3 201401BS70004 525580 179080 -0.192311 51.496668 1 3 1 1 15/01/2014 ... 31 6 3 1 1 0 0 2 0 1
4 201401BS70006 527040 179030 -0.171308 51.495892 1 3 2 1 09/01/2014 ... 32 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 1

5 rows × 46 columns

Which accidents are in London?

Santander bikes are only available in London so we also need to be able to filter by whether an accident is in London. Accidents are all assigned to LSOA (Lower Layer Super Output Area).

We identify all the LSOAs in London using this ref:

london = pd.read_excel('./GraphHackData/lsoa-data.xls', sheet='iadatasheet1', skiprows=2)
lsoa = set(london.Codes)
#Add a boolean column to the accidents dataframe to describe if in London
accidentsDF['in_London'] = x: x in lsoa)

From the DoT lookup table we identify that any casualty listed as 1 is a cyclist and hence we can now find all accidents in London in 2014 where the casualty was a cyclist

cyclingAccidents = accidentsDF[(accidentsDF['in_London'] == True) & (accidentsDF.Casualty_Type == 1)]
#Example incident
example = cyclingAccidents.loc[59,]
Accidents_Index                                201401BS70065
Location_Easting_OSGR                                 526610
Location_Northing_OSGR                                177280
Longitude                                          -0.178126
Latitude                                             51.4803
Police_Force                                               1
Accident_Severity                                          3
Number_of_Vehicles                                         2
Number_of_Casualties                                       1
Date                                              08/02/2014
Day_of_Week                                                7
Time                                                   18:20
Local_Authority_(District)                                12
Local_Authority_(Highway)                          E09000020
1st_Road_Class                                             3
1st_Road_Number                                         3220
Road_Type                                                  6
Speed_limit                                               30
Junction_Detail                                            0
Junction_Control                                          -1
2nd_Road_Class                                            -1
2nd_Road_Number                                            0
Pedestrian_Crossing-Human_Control                          0
Pedestrian_Crossing-Physical_Facilities                    5
Light_Conditions                                           4
Weather_Conditions                                         2
Road_Surface_Conditions                                    2
Special_Conditions_at_Site                                 0
Carriageway_Hazards                                        0
Urban_or_Rural_Area                                        1
Did_Police_Officer_Attend_Scene_of_Accident                2
LSOA_of_Accident_Location                          E01002840
Vehicle_Reference                                          2
Casualty_Reference                                         1
Casualty_Class                                             1
Sex_of_Casualty                                            1
Age_of_Casualty                                           32
Age_Band_of_Casualty                                       6
Casualty_Severity                                          3
Pedestrian_Location                                        0
Pedestrian_Movement                                        0
Car_Passenger                                              0
Bus_or_Coach_Passenger                                     0
Pedestrian_Road_Maintenance_Worker                         0
Casualty_Type                                              1
Casualty_Home_Area_Type                                   -1
in_London                                               True
Name: 59, dtype: object

Let's see what the two nearest Santander bike stations are to this accident ...

query = "MATCH (b:Bike_station) WITH b, distance(point(b), point({{latitude:{0}, longitude:{1}}})) AS dist RETURN b.a_Id AS station_id, AS station_name, dist ORDER BY dist LIMIT 2".format(example.Latitude, example.Longitude)
cypher = graph.cypher
result = cypher.execute(query)
   | station_id | station_name                    | dist             
 1 |        746 | Lots Road, West Chelsea         | 99.27002411121134
 2 |        649 | World's End Place, West Chelsea |  227.456404989975

So first piece of insight appears to be not to cycle at "World's End"!

Before generating the graph of the accidents we need to convert many of the numerical classifications into their human readable form to make things easier to interpret

#Conversion for some of the accident variables to huamn readable form

roadClass = {1: "Motorway",
             2: "A(M)",
             3: "A",
             4: "B",
             5: "C",
             6: "Unclassified"}

dow = {1: "Sunday",
       2: "Monday",
       3: "Tuesday",
       4: "Wednesday",
       5: "Thursday",
       6: "Friday",
       7: "Saturday"}

lightConditions = {1: "Daylight",
                   4: "Darkness: lights lit",
                   5: "Darkness: lights unlit",
                   6: "Darkness: no lighting",
                   7: "Darkness: lighting unknown",
                   -1: "Data missing"}

weatherConditions = {1:"Fine no high winds",
                     2:"Raining no high winds",
                     3:"Snowing no high winds",
                     4:"Fine + high winds",
                     5:"Raining + high winds",
                     6:"Snowing + high winds",
                     7:"Fog or mist",
                     -1:"Data missing"}

roadConditions = {1: "Dry",
                  2: "Wet or damp",
                  3: "Snow",
                  4: "Frost or ice",
                  5: "Flood over 3cm deep",
                  6: "Oil or diesel",
                  7: "Mud",
                 -1: "Data missing"}

gender = {1: "Male",
          2: "Female",
          3: "Not known",
          -1: "Data missing"}

severity ={1: "Fatal",
           2: "Serious",
           3: "Slight"}

Now we are ready to generate accident nodes and map them to the two nearest bike stations N.B. we will not map if the nearest bike station isn't within 2km of an accident as Santander bike stations are concentrated in the centre rather than across the whole of what is labelled London

def genAccidentNodes(datum):
    """For a given row in the accidents dataframe construct the appropriate set of nodes and relationships"""
    accident = Node("Accident", a_Id = datum.Accidents_Index)
    accident['latitude'] = datum.Latitude
    accident['longitude'] = datum.Longitude
    accident['severity'] = severity[datum.Casualty_Severity]
    accident['severity_score'] = 4. - datum.Casualty_Severity
    accident['time'] = datum.Time
    date = graph.merge_one('Date', "value", datum.Date)['day_of_week'] = dow[datum.Day_of_Week]
    rel_1 = Relationship(accident, "HAPPENED_ON", date)

    #Make vector of relationships to create
    relationships = []

    weatherCon = weatherConditions.get(datum.Weather_Conditions, "Data missing")
    if weatherCon != "Data missing":
        weather = graph.merge_one('Weather', "condition", weatherCon)
        relationships.append(Relationship(accident, "WITH", weather))
    lightCon = lightConditions.get(datum.Light_Conditions, "Data missing")
    if lightCon != "Data missing":
        light = graph.merge_one('Light', "condition", lightCon)
        relationships.append(Relationship(accident, "WITH", light))
    roadSurfaceCon = roadConditions.get(datum.Road_Surface_Conditions, "Data missing")
    if roadSurfaceCon != "Data missing":
        roadSurf = graph.merge_one('Road_surface', "condition", roadSurfaceCon)
        relationships.append(Relationship(accident, "WITH", roadSurf))

    speed = graph.merge_one("Speed_limit", "value",
    relationships.append(Relationship(accident, "WITH", speed))

    #And find the nearest bike stations
    query = "MATCH (b:Bike_station) WITH b, distance(point(b), point({{latitude:{0}, longitude:{1}}})) AS dist RETURN b.a_Id AS station, dist ORDER BY dist LIMIT 2".format(datum.Latitude, datum.Longitude)
    result = cypher.execute(query)
    #Only do this for bike sations where the nearest station is less than 2km away
    if result.records[0].dist <= 2000.:
        for i,rec in enumerate(result.records):
            bikeStation = graph.merge_one("Bike_station", "a_Id", rec.station)
            tempRel = Relationship(accident, "CLOSE_TO", bikeStation, distance=round(rec.dist,2), proximity=i+1)


Let's run the function over all London cycling accidents

output = cyclingAccidents.apply(genAccidentNodes, axis=1)

Graphically exploring our new database

An accident node and associated properties including closest bike docking stations


Which bike docking stations are linked to the fatal cycling accidents?


What was the speed limit on the roads with fatal cycling accidents?


The most dangerous bike docking stations to cycle between

We can query neo4j to count the number of accidents between bike stations

query = """MATCH (b1:Bike_station)<-[:CLOSE_TO]-(a:Accident)-[:CLOSE_TO]->(b2:Bike_station)
WITH b1, b2, COLLECT(DISTINCT a.a_Id) AS accidents
WHERE b1.a_Id < b2.a_Id
RETURN AS station1, b1.longitude AS lon1, b1.latitude AS lat1, AS station2, b2.longitude AS lon2, b2.latitude AS lat2,
       size(accidents) AS num_accidents
ORDER BY num_accidents DESC;"""
result = cypher.execute(query)

The top 10 most dangerous bike station pairs are ...

df = pd.DataFrame(result.records, columns=result.columns)
station1 lon1 lat1 station2 lon2 lat2 num_accidents
0 Clarence Walk, Stockwell -0.126994 51.470733 Binfield Road, Stockwell -0.122832 51.472510 61
1 Shoreditch Court, Haggerston -0.070329 51.539084 Haggerston Road, Haggerston -0.074285 51.539329 48
2 Islington Green, Angel -0.102758 51.536384 Charlotte Terrace, Angel -0.112721 51.536392 32
3 Ravenscourt Park Station, Hammersmith -0.236770 51.494224 Hammersmith Town Hall, Hammersmith -0.234094 51.492637 32
4 Bricklayers Arms, Borough -0.085814 51.495061 Rodney Road , Walworth -0.090221 51.491485 30
5 Napier Avenue, Millwall -0.021582 51.487679 Spindrift Avenue, Millwall -0.018716 51.491090 28
6 Ada Street, Hackney Central -0.060292 51.535717 Victoria Park Road, Hackney Central -0.054162 51.536425 26
7 Wandsworth Rd, Isley Court, Wandsworth Road -0.141813 51.469260 Heath Road, Battersea -0.146545 51.468669 24
8 Caldwell Street, Stockwell -0.116493 51.477839 Binfield Road, Stockwell -0.122832 51.472510 23
9 Stebondale Street, Cubitt Town -0.009205 51.489096 Saunders Ness Road, Cubitt Town -0.009001 51.487129 23

Plotting everything out looks like this

df['mean_longitude'] = (df.lon1+df.lon2)/2.
df['mean_latitude'] = (df.lat1+df.lat2)/2.
df2 = df[df.num_accidents > 10]
%matplotlib inline
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplleaflet

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 14, 10
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(cyclingAccidents.Longitude, cyclingAccidents.Latitude, 'b.', alpha=0.4, label='cycling accidents (2014)')
plt.plot(stationsDF.long,, 'rs', alpha=0.5, label='docking stations')
plt.scatter(df2.mean_longitude, df2.mean_latitude, s=df2.num_accidents*25, c='yellow', alpha=0.5, label='Most accidents')
plt.xlim(-0.25, 0.)
plt.ylim(51.45, 51.55)
#plt.legend(loc='lower right')
(51.45, 51.55)


Can combine this with a map to get a better feel for where in London we are

mplleaflet.display(fig=fig, tiles='osm')



Some interesting first results but more work needed

It's great to see that the initial analysis worked and using Neo4j made our analysis easier and there is a lot more data stored in there that could be analysed at a later date. What at first appears surprising is that the "danger stations" that we have identified appear to gnerally bound the region that Santander bikes are available in, however, we cannot confirm these are correct without correcting for a couple of additional observational biases:

  1. Normalise for the amount of journeys starting/ending at each station, i.e. do more accidents happen because more people are riding in these parts of London.
  2. The density of bike docking stations is not uniform so those on the periphery may be being assigned more accidents based upon fewer stations to assign the accidents to.


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